First let me just say - something must be in the air b/c 3 knit bloggers linked me up to their site in one of their entries within 7 days! (and it was my quietest week in bloggin at that!!)
Much love to Adrienne's Little World, The Soapy Knitter, and Anna's Yarn Mansion!!
(I really don't know how to do hyperlinks on this thing! It never works right for me! Ugh!)
You ladies know I already stalk y'all! And have you in my blog roll (so click there to visit them! :op Their work is amazing!)
It really was because I read each of your blogs continuously that made me want to get out here and blog myself on my knitting!
SOOOOOOO.....I have been quite because I really haven't been knitting much!
I really really need for the knitting bug to BITE ME! Quick!
I did manage to meet up with a crochet group near me last night for the first time and learned how to do my 1st SC! Whoa! And purchased me a good ole metal hook!
I need to get myself together for the culmination of my projects that require these crochet edges/touches....if I would just only knit the projects!!! LOL :o)
I had not knitted all week except for last night. I finished up my 6th block on my 1st panel of the Lizard Ridge. A quarter of the ways progress! YAH!
It appears when I do knit all I want to work on is this afghan! It is so addictive!
Another reason why I had not been posting is because I really would like to and need to post quality pics!!!! I am truly going to get a digi cam in the next 30 days! *whispers silent prayer* :o)
So I got desperate and really wanted to show y'all pics of my WIP (= work in progress -for all my non-knitter supporters out there who say it is like reading a foreign language on my blog! I love y'all!! Keep reading!! *MuuaaahhhH*)
I happily folded up my quarter afghan panel and trotted myself on to work, to do what the very first thing in the morning? Take pics of my creation! LOL (Plus I promised Anna I would since I harassed her about her Arwen photo shoot Haha!)
It is amazing what 3x pixels will do for ya! :oD (cheap camera but more than what I got! Haha! And the colors are pretty accurate to what they look like in person too)

Please ignore the date that is so not accurate!
Haha! All pics were taken today! The colors come up so much better than on my cam phone!

Well I already showed you square #1 in a previous post, plus I forgot to snap that block in the process of my "photo knit spread" :o) LOL
Here are squares #2 & #3 in colorways 239 & 213 (if that means anything to you Ha!). Just to jar your memory I am doing this in NORO Silk Garden. The pattern calls for Kureyon but it was just too rough for my liking.
I am so glad I picked this yarn blend instead despite it costing a few dollars more than the Kureyon. This fourth of a strip already feels so good and I can't wait to wrap up in it!
I am also not liking that "lime green" streak in my ridges..but oh well! I actually probably won't use both of these colorways again in this piece. I just wasn't totally turned onto them, but wanted to try them. The main color theme in the entire project is shades of purple. But I did want to splash in there some neutral colors like brown.
I will probably shuffle this strip around within my panel orders. We will have to see how everything else knits up!
It is a very sad day when I have to go to my supervisor's desk and take pics b/c mine has too many papers all over it! :op (it has been a crazy week.....let me really has been crazy, but I keep my desk a hot mess on a regular! LOL *smh* What! I be busy!! <---yes that was ebonics!)
Here are squares #4 in color #241 (one of my favorites and I will be using this several times in the afghan! This colorway has the most purples in it!
As you all have probably noticed I am not making separate squares and then seaming them together (as the pattern calls for) but I am just knitting continuously and switching out the yarn colors. It still will have a patchwork look as the initial intention of the design.
But I detest seaming and would like to keep any extra work down to a minimum! LOL
I am however debating on if I plan to do 5 panels like Ms. Anna is going to do. Mmmhh I love knitting it so much (and ahead of schedule on it - planned on finishing it in early fall) that I just might!
If I had to do it all over again I would have done this blanket 5x4 or 5x5 versus the 6x4.
By the time I figured it out I had already started on my 6th square and wasn't going to frog out of it! LOL
So it may be a 5 panel afghan to make it wider since it is longer.
Also, I am now leaning more towards not blocking the mini "camel humps" (can y'all tell I got that terminology from my crochet session last night! haha). The humps are growing on me and half way hide my "spaces" in the afghan! :op I am sure with the blocking of the edges and time they will slowly fall away. My humps are not as prominent as some of the others I have seen (not sure if it is the Kureyon or my tension)
Oh! I almost missed block #5 in color #249 and this one I really liked for my neutral color! That will be poppin up again! LOVE the hazel brown at the top and how it connects to the very deep purple! That purple & gold is nice together!! ;o) Ooo-oop! (it was so not planned which is what I love about NORO)

I really didn't start getting it 'tight' like how I wanted until my square # 6 in color #205

I picked this color because it was brighter and had purples in it...but turned out to be more pink....not that bad but I do have one more ball of it that has a lot more pink in it than this one. It will be the last one I will buy of this colorway. The goal is more purple!
I did weave in the ends as I went along (again to avoid any extra work!) and when I switched out balls I did knit the ends in about 5 or 6 stitches in as well.
Gave me a little bit peace of mind that the afghan wouldn't fall completely apart after I eventually finish it! Haha!
Also can I just yell to the roof tops again how much I love my Denise needles?!!!
To bind off you need to use a larger needle size. I just clicked and popped (like tinker toys!) my needles off to switch out. No transferring my work to another needle set. JezzYeah! :oD
Well I figure I would
inundate y'all with pics and say as much as I could (I know I said a lot! LOL)since it had been a little while that I said anything!
I think that was a pretty good layout of my work
progress thus far! :o) (minus Ms. Marigold :0(She will be up next!!)
I tell ya! I am going to be on FIRE!! When I get my own
digi cam! :op
you're more than welcome for the shout out on the blog. it's good to be in the community of other sistah knitters. we've got to support each other! :-D