Sunday, December 30, 2007
....Is all I could get out of my mouth when I opened up an unexpected package yesterday!!
Now y'all know I don't check my mail on a regular! LOL
So I figured after the holiday I better do just that ;op
Well on my way to knit group I decided to swing by and check my box.
And I had a few things I was expecting and actually thought this particular package was some yarn I had ordered and almost didn't open it!

When I started pulling it out of the box I knew what is was right away!! And I could NOT stop saying Oh.My.Goodness ALL DAY long!!
Sheila is the designer and maker of this GORGEOUS knitbag! And it all started with this one post.
I love elephants because I am a Delta and this bag just spoke to me! Well Sheila put my name all over it and sent me my ultimate KNITmas gift this year!!
Her generosity and kind heart just floored me!! Really it did!
I love the vintage look about my knitcase, the fabric is just wonderful, and the bowling ball style also makes it so unique!! And do you see the pretty handles!
Well look on the inside of it! All of these pockets!
And more pockets on the other side!
As you can see I have some major room in my knit case!!
The construction of the bag is pure quality!! It is thick and durable!
She mentioned how this bag has not yet gone into production and sent me the sample. Well I LOVE IT!
I can fit a large project or several smaller ones in here, a couple of books and all of my notions! How do I know this?? :o)
I put it to IMMEDIATE use! Everyone in the yarn shop was "Ooohing and Aaahing" over my beautiful bag!! Just BEAU-TI-FUL!
Sheila actually sells her knitcases HERE and several other really nice items she makes (such as needle rolls and carry alls). Check out her boutique!
As you can see I am totally ELATED!!! :oD
Labels: Goodies
Sorry I missed you yesterday but that migraine would not let go - slept off and on until almost 8 last night, and am still off today :-(
I received a new knit bag and need to get posting..... have to find my camera to unpack though....
I can see why you are happy, that bag is amazing!
Happy New Year!!!!!
now, if she makes that bag in gold with some poodles on it, she's got some business from me!!!