Monday, March 23, 2009

Yarn/Cost: If you haven't figured it out by now then I will help with this flashback photo as I highlighted the yarn on this post many knit moons ago ;op

Every time I pulled this project out to work on it I always got lots of inquisitive questions about the yarn, what it was made out of, and lots of touches!
Especially on the white steel yarn
Really it is soft! And you are literally knitting with thread which takes every ounce of concentration and patience within you to work on it!
But it was kind of neat to have a conversation starter in my little knit bag! :o)
Needles: I don't think I have ever used this many needles on one tiny/delicate project!
Here is the running list:
US 10
US 8
US 6
US 4
US 3
Time: HA!!! ....HA!!! ;oD I purchased this yarn with this project in mind almost a year ago! Back in May '08 when I met Adrienne for the first time during my Mini A.T.L. Excursion (gosh that seems like forever ago!). That was where I discovered my fav LYS in that city called Knitch (click on the above link to see more on the shop - it is FAB!) who had an entire table dedicated to this beautiful yarn!! I knew immediately I had to take some home with me!
So I casted on very excited and....even had a mini KAL with some of my knit pals trying to keep each other accountable with weekly status updates and.....
It was like birthing a freakin' baby because 9 months later I finally decided to complete the scarf!!! I swear it stayed at 98% completion For-freakin-ever! Haha! ;op
What I learned: I know, that I know, that I know, that I know I have more determination and patience than I ever thought! ;op LOL
You are also truly your own designer!
As you can see I decided to do mine Neapolitan style with three different colors
Reminds me of the ice cream :o) Come on you remember having those three flavors at b-day parties!! How perfect for this since it is my blog b-day! :oD
I doubled the steel and silk together in the first block, then doubled the silk in the middle block, and then on the last block just the steel.
Because there is SO many ways you can make this scarf with different color combos and yarn selection (silk/merino wool = felt/unfelt).
I just luv stalking this project to see all the different ways everyone is making this scarf!!
So there aren't any modifications for this project since you can knit to your heart's desire, but below is how I decided to do it for myself (luckily I took notes on this way back when and stored it on Rav):
CO 68 (US 10) Changed to US 8 and then accidentally did 3 rows of garter. Switched to SS. Did all the decreases per instructions to the 48 stitches. Knitted with both until double the size.
Then switched to only the pure silk doubled (still US8 needles). Decrease that until 38 sts. Added back the steel by itself knitted 2 rows on US8 should have switched to the US6 needles immediately, knitted until I felt like changing to US4 and likewise for the US3s. Knitted the last 3 rows in garter like I did in the beginning. Finished loosely. So this is a buried blog bday treat to see if you are really reading all of this, so you must comment to be entered by letting me know all three items on if you ever tried stainless steel yarn, if you liked it, and if you would knit with it. Then I will do a random selection within one week of this post to announce who got this tricky blog treat. But I am confident there will be more who catch this then I thought would so this will be fun to see who responds back. Because really who goes thru all the modifications.
Verdict: It was like a p.leasusre/t.orture knitting on this scarf as it is soooo beautiful but takes soooo long to get any progress on it with the light weight yarn...le sigh..
But it was all worth it!! It truly is a work of knit art!
I also figured having this project done in time for my blog anniversary made it even better! :o) It is such a great spring accent that keeps you warm!
P.S. Thank you to everyone that wanted to make sure I was feeling okay from a couple of posts ago. My allergies turned into a bad sinus/chest congestion cold and all is getting better now. I normally don't get sick so your well wishes and concern meant a lot to me. Really appreciate you all for checking-in on me. Thank you for being so caring!! :)
Labels: Blogoversary, Finished Objects
And I'm glad you're feeling better.
That stuff is TOO small for me!
It does seem like forever ago but it wasn't lol.
NOW I don't feel SO bad about Green Gable not being finished yet. I have like 3 inches left and the sleeves! LOL
Happy Blog B-day to you!
That is a work of art and my favorite ice cream is Neapolitan, you would think at some point I would grow out of it, but nope.
Just gorgeous, you really did a great job.
Happy Blogiversary!!
The scarf looks BEAUTIFUL. Very chic!
I just landed me some Habu as well but they didn't put it on a cone as I had asked them to... so I'm not looking forward to putting it in a cake! Not sure it will hold in the cake form anyways : (
So sorry to hear your infection bust up into major yuckies! Glad you're on the mend tho!
Again, the scarf is just lovely!
Happy Blog B-day!!!!
oh and if you want to keep that track record of rarely getting sick-dont have kids lol i am getting over another cold from my happy to share little man. Hopefully my last.
Glad you getting better!
Happy Blog B-day!
I'm alway impressed with your reviews and pictures.
Great Job!
Keep up the good work.
Glad you are feeling better.
That scarf gorgeous you did a wonderful job on it. Wow those needles must have been small.
Happy Blog Bday and glad to hear you are back on the mend.
I love your scarf - the colors are really pretty and I have to hand it to you for sticking with it! It was well worth it. I remember when you and Adrienne bought that yarn!
I haven't knit with stainless steel, but after seeing your gorgeous photo I'm thinking I may have to give it a thanks for the inspiration!
Glad you're feeling better...aren't allergies a pain!
P.S. Aren't you impressed I read your whole post?
Wow, 2 years old.
Scarf looks cool, but I would not have the patience, so hats off to you!
Now this scarf is gorgeous! I remember seeing that yarn!!! =^_^= Looks nice and soft too!
Never tried stainless steel, so can't say whether I liked it, but I would totally try knitting with it.
Happy blog-o-versary!
(I read your whole post, too! tee-hee)
It looks soooooo good! I should try changing needle sizes!
I've tried the stainless steel, making the kusha scarf and you have encouraged me to press on and finish! So far it is a love hate affair. I didn't like the feeling of knitting thread, particularly on bigger needles. I would knit with it again, just on really tiny needles, which I know will take forever.
BTW, did you felt yours?