Saturday, July 11, 2009
It should come to you as no surprise if you have peeped in on my blog wall every now and then....that you will notice that I just LUV food!! :oD
And one of my favorite items to nourish myself on is SUSHI!
What is that you say?? That middle tray doesn't look quite like Sushi?!? Haha! ;op
I saw this cute little kit awhile back and just HAD to have it!!

As you take a closer look

I purchased this package with my 50% retail coupon of course! You can also order it full price HERE if interested.
And I like to frequent my other fav store (Tar.jay) to sit & knit from time to time in the onsite Starbuck's where they always give out samples when I am there!! Gotta luv that too!! :o)
Those are my Anastasia socks that are growing very slowly on my needles; as I really have not given them that much attention (or any of my other projects). Hopefully I can get up to the gusset this weekend.
Trying to carve out time to knit this month has been challenging and not good for my WIPs in the wrestling ring!! Crimson Warrior needs to catch a second wind to get some slams in ASAP! ;op
In the meantime, I figured another sample wouldn't hurt Haha!
Until next blog time...
Labels: Randomness, WIPs, Yarn
Don'tcha just love free samples?
I think I tried the first sample at my neighborhood Starbucks, too. It was delish!
Tuna rolls are my favorite. Although I was in Scottsdale AZ last summer and there is a restaurant called Zen 32. Oh, the sushi is ridiculous! they had a California roll made with King Crab it was delish. I ate a gazillion rolls during their happy hour.
Love free samples!
I don't think my starbucks ever offer free samples....
The sushi wallet is ADORABLE! I am anxious to see it finished. I am really jonesin' for sushi lately, I'm afraid I would be tempted to nibble on it a bi
Your Tar-jay starbucks gives out samples!!!!! Man i need to start hanging out at mine more to see if they give me samples too!
Can't wait to see how the felting goes. I've never felted anything (intentionally, lol) before.
We have a BigBucks in our Tarjay too, and I never thought of stopping by there (sans DD) with my knitting. Great idea, knit a little while enjoying a refreshing beverage, then do a little shopping.