Thursday, May 01, 2008

It has been a little while since I've done a blogstalking entry and decided that it will be done my way from now on! ;o)

I have been in a slight frenzy about making sure my yarn does not get eaten up by dreaded m.o.t.h.s Shhhhhhh!

Or any other critter whose sole purpose and intent is to destroy my fiber!!! Ugh!

So I have begun to individually bag my yarn up and getting moth packets to put in my larger storage bins (all of two). And I refuse to get anymore than that, hence my yarn fasting! ;o)

This week I did dine on some (as my girl Nik would say) "gourmet" eggplant parmesanIt was frozen!! Haha!!Alright! Alright!! It doesn't look exactly like the box, but it was wonderful!! Can't beat 3 servings for $7 bucks! :o) Gotta luv some Super W.orld!

I did start on a mini knit that has been stalled for about two weeks now.

As there is just one problem.....

Um yeah...I refuse to buy more yarn! Haha! So it will be ripped back and try it again with another idea.

I also have been in a shedding/cleaning mode. And started with my mountain of laundry

Don't get excited...that is the "cute" pile! ;op Can't show ya all my biz!! LOL

Well just checkin' in with y'all! Until next blog time

Happy May!!


  1. Adrienne said...
    It's not May yet!!! I still have a couple hours! :-) I'd love to see the "not" cute pile! LOL hahahahaha
    Nik said...

    doesn't it make you made that the microwaveable food never looks as good as the box?
    Still Patrice said...
    girl that food looks so good! lol I could trick Ian with that!
    Anonymous said...
    Now I want eggplant parmesan. FOR BREAKFAST. (Goes to investigate the freezer)
    Cas... said...
    Now the eggplant parmesan was a teaser. Why do us like that gurl! LOL! I know how you feel about Super Wally World! I spend time there every week. I have some laundry I have finished that I just need to put away myself. I am feeling a bit lazy about it too.

    Have A Good One!
    Anonymous said...
    That's one of my most favorite foods, but I only order it from the restaurant some Greek friends of a friend run. One of the guys I used to work with made the best chicken and eggplant Parm.!
    Cr8tive Fashion said...
    was that mini knit a ballet tee?
    Melissa Morgan-Oakes said...
    Not buy yarn. It's just not healthy.
    Jeanine said...
    Lady... You're killing me with the Noro! Nice color choice. You're not buying yarn??? Technically, you may have to. Just to complete that WIP. Technically you may have a rule that you can't have any WIP's. HA HA
    Robin said...
    Don't even mention the "m" word - all my yarn is in bags or these plastic boxes I bought from the Container Store!
    Anonymous said...
    I only wish food looked good to me! So, you are doing the big clean out...good for you. That was me last month. Practically half of my things are gone: books, yarn, magazines, clothes (and I did not even have many to begin with). I did make a purchase of some Dream In Color yarn for one specific project, but that was all. I have gotten to the point in my life where I do not want so much. It has taken nearly a half century, but there you go.
    cpurl17 said...
    Good for you getting all organized! I could never never photograph my "bad" pile of laundry--you'd have me committed!
    diddlinaknits said...
    well you are keeping busy over there. haha i can't believe you showed us the cute pile-we wanna see the bad pile thats more fun teehee
    Even though i am not a huge eggplant fan that sure looks good even if it is from a box ;)
    Psyched2Knit said...
    I love the yarn stash (and am trying not to drool over the food because of my diet!) I always store lavender with my yarn. They sell great lavender sachets just for this purpose that "Whole Foods" up here, which is an upscale super market - but I'm sure they have something similar near you. The lavender keeps the moths away - and doesn't smell too bad. Enjoy the spring!
    Sereknitty said...
    You're just going to have to start knitting faster so the moths don't have time to make 'dinner' of your yarn!
    Sheila said...
    I luvvvvv eggplant parmesan, forget weight watchers chicken parmesan I want Michael Angelo. Thanks for the lovely compliment on my tee.
    Jada said...
    I have to do laundry for six people!!Well my teenager does his own.I have to do two to three loads a day to keep up.After doing that I need me some eggplant parmesan!!:)
    Liz said...
    Oh you have me in a moth frenzy!!! I need to package my yarn up and sort it out. It's just loose in baskets where any old beast could feast on it!!

    That meal is my all time favourite!

    Happy May to you too. x
    tina said...
    See------ once again I get in trouble reading your blog! I should never read it when hungry (for food or yarn)....... both look good.

    particularly the eggplant parm which I adore.

    hope your weekend has been fab!!!!
    QueenDBW said...
    Grrrrl!! Me and Michael Angelo's go waaaaay back. I think I went through a phase where I ate them for lunch for about 3 weeks straight. True, doesn't look like the pic, but it tastes DARN GOOD!!!

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