Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Brushing up on the meaning of that song fit perfectly for this post!
~ "Long long ago"
~ "Days gone by"
~ "Old times"
~ "Once upon a time"
Yep I have some catching up to do on some FOs from 2009...you know that was 12 days ago and all :)
So here is a quick and dirty parade on the details of the items I managed to finish but was just too lazy to post up:

Pattern: This Baby Sophisticate and I will never stop signing the praises of this very easy/simple and free pattern!! It is a MUST on anyone's baby knit list!
So much so that you should make TWO!This one was a store sample at my fav shop Charlotte Yarn. They caught me sitting and knitting in there on the first sweater and so the second one was born :)
Time: Can take 3-5 days of "un-focused" knitting time (the very most) to complete.
Needles/Yarn: Both on US8 needles
Sweater #1 in Moda Dea Washable Wool about 1.5 balls of yarn in Chocolate
Sweater #2 in Artesanal by Aslan Trends every bit of 1 hank in color #19 basically grey (from the shop)
Size: Both sweaters are the largest size and with the yarn it came out to be about 3-6 months?? depending on the weight of the yarn.
Modifications: On Sweater #1 all details on my Rav project but in a nutshell I shortened the body to the small length and would have done more garter on the collar. I also did increases in the body to widen it out for the "tummy". Sweater #2 - nothing barely had enough yarn!!
Verdict: Absolutely LUV this pattern. It is a MUST DO!

Pattern: Sushi Wallet Kit by One Stick Two Stick. I blogged about it here on where to get.
Time: Umpteen years...lol I really played around on this one. It has a lot of little pieces....sigh. Realistically a fast knit.
Mods: Because of all the many sushi rolls. I had made them a little bigger....made 6 of them but 3 of them came out really tiny so I ditched them...and by then I was tired of sewing them on.
My Firsts: Putting a zipper in a pouch/wallet

Verdict: My girlfriend loved it!! :) So it was worth it!
~ Project #3 Details ~
I've always wanted a chunky cowl around my neck to keep me warm. This made a very quick and easy Xmas gift for my boss :)
Time: Because it was a secret knit I did it in two nights.
Needles/Yarn: US 17 with 2 balls of Hometown USA yarn in Oklahoma City Green. My first time I used this yarn and it was a exact match for her new pea green leather gloves! Wish it had more yardage though.
Mods: Held yarn double for chunkiness. Did not twist the first stitch for mobius twist, just seamed down the middle.
Verdict: So elementary that anyone can do this project! And I really want to do one in hot red for myself :)
Welp! That should close out the 2009 knit F.O.s for me!
Labels: Finished Objects
Don't know how that chunky cowl pattern slipped by me. Oh, how warm it looks.
Everything looks great though! I've been obsessing over cowls lol.
Great Parade! :)
I have finished the Baby Sophisticate too, like in October or November but can't find buttons. Its like the BEST and quickest little sweater ever. Yours look wonderful!!
The cowl is to die for too.
Happy Knitting!!
Happy Knitting.
Love that little sushi bag!
Your sushi pouch is adorable and your friend sure looks happy and like you said that makes it all worth it.
Loving the cowl!! that looks great on your boss.
Cannot wait to see what you're up to next!