Okay y'all have caught some glimpses of Crimson Croquette while in progress, and CeeCee was actually finished at the BAM knit night earlier in the week when we were acting crazy.
Now that I have broken it in by wearing it out Friday night to a party and thoroughly discussed the ups and downs of it at
my fav LYS with all my knit buddies on Saturday, I have some project details.

~Project Details~
Pattern: Fitted Knits Coquette Tube Top.
My first project out of this pattern book. Errata for this book is located
Needles: Denise US5 & 7
Size: Too dang big!!! Just to be clear that is not a happy face in the above pic. Haha!
As I told
Michelle who thought it looked fine from the pics, things are not always what they appear to be! Pretty on the outside...a mess on the inside! :oD
I accounted for negative ease and read how everyone that made this top said it was too big for them (which was always my concern the entire time I knitted this garment). I went down a size and made the 32.5" even though I am a 36" bust. I should have done the 30" bust. But I think I still would of had problems with the top ribbing stretching out!
I did make gauge! And I tried it on again about 1/2 of the way in and knew that it would be "loose". You should not be able to wear a shirt under a freaking tube top!
I have more "top" than "tube". :op But I pressed on because I didn't think it was that bad, just not ideal.
BTW I am hearing that alot of the pattern sizes, based on your actual bust measurement, in this book are running a bit big from others who are knitting them. How in the heck is this called Fitted Knits if nothing is close fitted!?!
One of the bloggers I like to "stalk", Knitensity, just made the Split Neck Tee from Fitted Knits, and made a really good point about shaping a garment. And how she rather do back shaping versus bust shaping since boobage (or in my case booblets as well Haha!) gives some curve in the front, but the back is just there...loose
That is just a hot mess! One of my knitter pals Fairiegirl tried it on and she has a 42" bust and the back was STILL too big at the top ribbing!! WITW!!!
I am convinced that the model in the book has clips on her freakin' back!! LOL
Even in the book it does show some slight "waves" at her waist. Plus the model is probably wearing the XS size, however she has 6 lace repeats on her garment which actually is called for in the larger size starting at 37" no way she is wearing that size, because she is the size of a pretzel stick!!
Yarn: Cascade Yarns Pima Tencel (what the pattern called for to use), 4 balls.
I originally purchased 4 balls thinking I was going to make the 35" bust. But went down to the 32.2" size which only calls for 3 balls.
How about I needed the entire 4 balls for the smaller size and still didn't knit the full 6" on the bottom ribbing. Therefore, would have truly called for 5 balls! So be careful about how much the book calls for the recommended balls of yarn.
Also......I HATE THIS YARN!! And will NEVER use it again. I SHEDS like crazy! Love the color, hate the yarn! It even had a little "slub" in my yarn that did not make me happy and you can see it on the garment.
In fact, this yarn reminds me of the Knit Picks Shine Sport yarn (which I don't like either b/c it pills like crazy) but at least that one doesn't shed as much like this one.
Look at this mess that was on my chocolate pants from when I went out the other night.

I will spare you from the pics of my chocolate strapless lace bra! Ugh!
I knew right away when I started knitting with it that I was going to have issues with shedding. I would get up from knitting and a red haze was all over my clothes. I read on someone's blog (can't remember who since I tend to look at a few hundred LOL) that this yarn sheds.
But I did a double check with Robin who just loves this yarn, and she said that it really didn't shed that much. Well not for me! After I tried it on again yesterday at the LYS everyone was just surprised at how much residue was left on my hiney! 
By the end of the day
everyone had little red balls all over them! It traveled onto them too!! LOL
Cost: $16 for the yarn/$.20 for the chocolate ribbon
Time: You could knit this up in a few days. It is a fast knit, but of course depends on how often you work on it. And I don't knit on the same project consistently. I told y'all I have Knitters ADD!! :op
What I learned/Modifications: I finally used my

I love the smell of lavender!
And did my very first soak!

Mmh but
Eucalan really doesn't suds up that much. Will have to try my
Soak potion on the next one.
And you do remember I implemented the technique of putting in a lifeline! LOL
Other than that nothing big and exciting. This was more of my "firsts" than anything.
Speaking of "firsts" this was my first major blocking on a garment, as any good knitter would do!

BIG mistake on this project! It stretched out even more!! Ugh!! (See the yarn "slub" on the right side! shish)
And it was not because I intentionally spread the garment out wide (b/c I wasn't that crazy), but this yarn is soft and ended up relaxing some more!
Of course your genius girl (not!) decided to throw it in the dryer when it was almost dry to get it to 'spring' back some.....um no help LOL and just ended up just making a ton more of red balls everywhere!
I also knew I didn't want the full 6" for the bottom ribbing and only did about 3.5". I originally thought I wanted to have 6 repeats but in the end glad I only did the 5 repeats.
As far as the top ribbing, maybe I should have casted on for less stitches for a snugger fit and then increase for the body? Gone down another needle size? However, I did get gauge. But then I have heard how you can possibly get a different gauge when you knit in the round. Maybe I should have learned how to do some back shaping? LOL Who knows!
I also did bind off too tight on this project (surprise surprise), but in this case it is a mute point since this knitted object sadly won't be worn again...sigh. It will now reincarnate into a throw/accent pillow...or something I can't wear! LOL
Verdict: I know I said alot about a project that ended up being a dud. But I wanted everyone to know my ups and downs about a project that I do, because Hey! you may want to do it. Besides, I hate when knitters don't give the good, bad, and ugly about their knits and just throw it up like all went well!
Plus, I type up all these notes for my own personal records! :op
I WOULD knit this up again because I really did enjoy knitting it. But I would definitely select a different yarn! And of course adjust for sizing to fit much closer. I won't be doing it again anytime soon, but it may pop back up sometime next year...who knows!
I must close out with a pic of me at the chocolate party which was one of the main reasons I wanted Cee Cee done before the end of the month. It was fabulous wearing it for all of 5 hours! LOL Well, not really since I couldn't dance how I wanted to in it! So I could "party like a rockstar" :op Haha

I bet EVERYONE oogled over it when you wore it out!!
i actually think it looks fabulous on you!
you know i'm loving that color on you, but i'm mad about the yarn "flaking" out like that!!! >:( NOT good. i feel for ya. i took my chance with the berroco and wasn't happy with it, so i definitely feel for ya.
i was thinking i wanted to try knitting the top, but i'd have to choose a different yarn if i do because that's just not acceptable with all that spillage/pilling all over the place!!!
keep us posted on it and can't wait to see your next knit in progress. your smile reminds me of tocarra from america's next top model. makes me wanna scream, "FABULOUS!" ROFL!!!
The shedding would have annoyed me too.
Have you considered running seams up the sides to make it fit better?
Thanks for the info about the yarn.
Thanks for taking the time to fill us in on all of the details. I've found I rarely use yarn to the same "rate" that the pattern suggests. I either have way too much - the bamboo vest - or barely enough.
i like this though. i'm sorry you had so much drama with it. you looked good in it. despite the shedding. you think maybe you just got a bad batch??
I'm sorry that your tube top did turn out well, but that was a really great idea to make it into an accent pillow. If you got some red, chocolate, or black satin or silk for the base pillow, that would be really pretty!
It's also shocking that other patterns in the book might be flawed in this way. I'm planning to knit one for my daughter for Christmas and now I'm going to have to do some research on it - especially considering that I've already bought the yarn and it might not be enough!!
Thanks for all the details and honesty!
I had the SAME problems with my Coquette. Well, except for all that red fuzz. Saggy upper ribbing and too wide in back.
I threaded a yarn needle with some THIIIIIN elastic and wove it in and out all along the cast on row on the top of the garment. Do this while you're WEARING it around your waist at least. LOL Once you've gone all the way around, put the garment into the spot where it'll be worn and pull on the ends of the elastic until it's snug enough to your liking. Tie the ends into a secure knot, hide said not in the ribbing and you good to go!! :)
I know it's a little loose around the waist (I think this pattern REALLY needs some waist shaping and that the model DOES have hers pinned in the back!!).
But I still LOVE your red coquette and how it looks on you.
Thanks for the detailed review of the yarn, pattern, and knitting process. It's probably more helpful overall than a lot of project posts I've seen. And I'd bet my Knitpicks Options kit that they did use clips in the official photo.
You could try sewing in some fake seams in the sides for shaping, though it might end up looking bulky. Or maybe one seam down the back to cinch it in, then wear it under a short jacket.
What if you threw it in the dryer to try to shrink it down??
I hate that top kept you from partying like a rock star!!HaHa
How frustrating for you, though, it really is a pretty top...just too big!
You could make it into a cushion!!!!
I didn't realize from the preview picture that the top you were working on was a tube top. I would say to wear the tube top as a tank over another shirt like Erica suggested.
BTW, I've used Soak & it doesn't suds up that much either.
Have you considered making it into a skirt? Drop it below your hips and see how it looks. The extra room in the back may be perfect for your behind.